My professional experience encompasses leadership and technical roles in industries related to Identity Verification, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Financial Technologies (FinTech), Gambling, Security Software Development, Security Automation, and Security Consulting.

Notable Information Security contributions include developing exploitation techniques against web technologies, common browsers, the portable document format (PDF), DHCP, UPnP, other network protocols, and NoSQL databases. I have also contributed some of the earliest research on embedded devices and IoT security.

I have spent a lot of time in information security research, and I have spoken at many international conferences and published two books.

In 2007 I founded GNUCITIZEN, a non-profit Information Security Think Tank, which was voted one of the most influential security sources in 2008. Our work was widely publicized in mainstream media. Under GNUCITIZEN, I've worked on many worthwhile projects with a long-term impact on the Information Security space, including founding a cutting-edge SaaS Information Security company serving hundreds of thousands of customers across the globe.

Over my career, I have been deeply involved in many niche technology projects, which have become mainstream over time. This includes the development of 3rd engines back in the days of Doom and Quake, bringing security products and innovation to first versions of the iPhone and other common mobile platforms, early involvement in 3rd-printing and cryptocurrencies, and development of early prototypes of 3d worlds and games for VR and AR and others.

While my role is now more strategic, I still actively research technology topics and code in more than a dozen programming languages. You can find my open source work at github.com/pdparchitect where you can see personal code repositories and a list of all related GitHub organizations I have started.

I like to read books on science, philosophy, and business strategy in my spare time. I am also an avid biohacker interested in cellular mechanics, biochemistry, and genetic engineering.

Personal Projects


SecApps is a cloud environment for security tools and services. SecApps was originally conceived as a web security toolkit that ran directly on top of web browsers, leveraging a browser extension. SecApps is a mature security testing platform that customers can use for security monitoring, testing, bug bounty hunting, and more.

SecApps is under Websecurify's management.


Cohesion is a web application testing technology for continuous integration pipelines. Cohesion comes with many tools packed together to support everyday security testing tasks such as web security scanning, API fuzz testing, content discovery, and more.

Cohesion is under Websecurify's management.


Websecurify is an application security company based in London. Websecurify was initially founded to support the Websecurify automated security scanner, which was open source. Due to lack of contributions, the desktop scanner was canceled and morphed into SecApps.